Sunday, February 2, 2014

Someday I will.....

You use phrases all the time that you never really think about until you are confronted with a life and death situation. How many times have you said "Someday I will..." and then never followed up?  Those phrases take on new meaning, they are fact and must be executed.  So many times I have said "time for a day at Wrigley Field" or  "Gee, I haven't been the the Shedd Aquarium since the kids were young."  I think back on those times and I ask myself where did the days go?  Why was I too busy?  What kept me from living each day to its fullest? I guess we call it life but it wasn't what it should have been.  It should have been carefree, silly, full of fun, but it was twelve hour days, six days a week sometimes, and seldom fun.  It was late night calls from work, trips in driving groggy, logging on at four in the morning in a dark office, and trying to get your mind working.  It was looking at computer system dumps, reams and reams of paper, or later in life browsing huge dumps online, trying to locate what the problem was.  The mind does silly things when it is tired and seldom functions quite like you wish it would. You come home, the kids have left for school, the wife has went to work, and you try to sleep.  It was called survival, food on the table, school clothes, house payments, car payments, save a little for a vacation.  Life was passing me by and I didn't realize it. Knowing now what I know, I would never have worked so hard or so long.  I would have hugged my wife and kids more, I would have danced more, I would have kept those "Someday I will...." promises.

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