Friday, February 21, 2014

No more dresser tops

Funny how you take for granted everything. Like your dresser top, or sink top, or medicine cabinet shelves.  My dresser is huge, lots of space but it is full of medicines grouped by time of day.  Early morning, after breakfast, lunch, afternoon, after dinner and before bed.  There are all size bottles. There are even bottles of lidocaine mouth rinse and a new product called Mu-Guard which I am a guinea pig on and they want my input (it doesn't work!) There are tablets to boost my immune, blood count, you name it. There is oxycodone to help me handle foot, mouth, and finger pain.  They all have things in common and that is tops I can't get off because of the lack of strength and the burning in my hands.  I have told them please no child proof tops but they ignore me.

Now lets go to the sink top. Special toothpastes that are natural and don't burn me more.  TOM's of Maine is a life saver.  Next to them are my diabetes medicines and cholesterol drugs plus normal pain medicines such as Tylenol. Little used right now but the only kind I can take.  Special body rinse to keep infection from starting at my chemo port site.  There are other creams used to dull the pain of radiation and it's effects.  I have a saline sinus rinse I must use that practically drowns me when I use it but I need to breath.

My medicine cabinet sits on the floor in the bed room waiting to be installed but that won't happen for awhile because I can't hold it up.

My wife say I am grumpy, yep I guess I am.

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