Saturday, February 8, 2014

It's the weekend

A needed break for two days.  Sometimes you just want to get away by yourself, to think, to try and get back to a feeling of normalcy.  Maybe a Notre Dame game, yep another loss will do that. IU game, nope they lose too!  Normal as you can get.  I have a cold hanging on for a week now. I've never had anything last more than a day. I drove to the drug store to pick up two prescriptions. What kind of drug store closes the prescription counter at 6:00 PM on a Saturday? More snow, more cold, I miss Florida!  It is probably good I didn't make the trip to Florida as my furnace went out yesterday and I would have returned to a cold house and broken water pipes.  Looking on the bright side I guess.

It seems like when you tell some people you have cancer they back away from you. I guess they don't want to say the wrong thing. That is the last thing I want someone to do.  There is nothing you can say that is wrong.  I need you to be my friend like before.  I want you to remain the same.  I don't want sympathy, I want friendship.  Yesterday when I went in for radiation I saw an old friend, Jerry Pelletier, sitting in the waiting room.  We used to be neighbors years ago and our kids played together in Little League and on the high school baseball team.  He is a great man. Never a bad word about anybody.  We talked for a brief period and he updated me on his condition. He was struggling with a decision and I could tell it weighed heavily on his mind.  I wish I could snap my fingers and everything would be fine for everyone but I can't so I try to be a good listener.

Yesterday a lady went around in the waiting room giving out doughnuts from Krispy Kreme from a pink Krispy Kreme box.  Knowing me and a doughnut I readily accepted but it made me appreciate a company that would go out of their way to print boxes especially for breast cancer and donate doughnuts.  Little things mean so much.  It added a homey feeling to a usually dreary waiting room.

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