Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A reprieve

I was called today and told that the fiber optic network at the oncology center was down and they couldn't do my radiation today.  Felt good and probably necessary as my feet and hands are so swollen I doubt I could walk up to and then enter the place.  I soaked them in Epson salts to get so relief and they do feel slightly better.  My wife is down with a cold I gave her which leads to lots of coughing and blowing of noses. Sounds like a group of sick geese snorting!  Doctor said I need to drink milk shakes as it helps to relieve the dryness in my mouth and lips. Tonight, a trip to McDonald's is in the works. Whoopee! I am craving pizza right now but my lips just couldn't handle the spicy sauce.  Everything bland, everything soft, everything just flat boring!  Hey, I'm Irish so no quit!  Now if I could just get that attitude across to the Notre Dame men's basketball team we'd be all set!

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