Thursday, January 16, 2014

PET Findings and the first day of chemo/radiation

Arose at 6:30AM after a great nights sleep.  Fumbled around in the shower trying to not get my chemo
port wet. I have these really thin gummy sheets that I must place over the opening.  Of course they can be a pain in the butt trying to get them to lay flat.  Finally dressed comfortably in anticipation of a long stretch sitting and having a million things explained to me.  I will never remember all of the stuff we covered!  The
needle was pushed into the port, secured, and then the chemo was inserted into the pump which is attached to my right side. It looks kind of like a fanny pack.  This lasts roughly seven days and I return for a new load!  Radiation went well, other than me slipping on the table trying to get to the correct position.  I got some great news today from Doctor Ansari and that was the PET scan showed no other cancer in my body.  Lets bring it on and lets get it done.

During my blood tests today it was discovered my HC had dropped to 7 so I am scheduled to get two units of blood tomorrow at SJMC.

Stopped off at the CVS pharmacy to pick up some medicine for potential nausea and some Ativan for anxiety. While there ran into Jodi Atkins and thanked her for her prayers. It was so good seeing her again. Hugs are a great drug!

So far so good and I will just adjust to this new addition to my body!

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