Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Pump, dietician meeting, and popcorn

Interesting day.  First radiation, hard enough as it is, but when chemo/radiation induced loosening of the bowels starts, its hard to concentrate getting on the table and assuming the position for radiation.  The indignity of it all.  Got over that, barely!  Next, swapping out the old chemo pump for a new one.  Last night it rudely woke me up beeping and telling me it was empty.  I love technology!  Couldn't it shut itself off? While waiting to have the new pump installed I was offered treats, beverages, etc. to make me comfortable.  I chose ginger ale and popcorn.  Now I have a new pump, it's whirring away nicely and I am told to go see the dietician. It seems they are worried by my ten pound weight loss.  The first thing I was told I can't eat was popcorn. Hello!!! One says no fruit juice, one says, yes, it's ok.  Someone needs to sit everyone down and have a training session, for the staff! It's off to the drug store for some Imodium AD and anti-nausea medication. But not until I nap first.

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