Because I am on so many different drugs it is hard to remember what normal feels like. I wake up in the morning to a very sore throat where even water is hard to swallow. Jennifer, my angel from heaven nurse tries different combinations of things until she hits upon one that works and puts it in place. I don't know what I would do with out her, Alex, and Brittney. They make me laugh, they make me feel like I matter, and they never have a bad word. Your job is unbelievably hard, trying to do your job, deal with patient emotions, personalities, and who knows what but believe me I love each and every one of you. I express my opinion and sometimes I should bite my tongue. They put up with it. I accidentally push the nurse button, they just smile. Rubbing someones feet can't be fun, but Brittney and Jennifer did it with no complaint. Clipping skin off that has died due to chemo is even worse but it was done and it felt great to feel the floor when I walked again.
I tried every combination of food on the menu that was softer and after a few days dreaded meal time. The food was great, but after a period everything tastes the same. I did enjoy the view at night from my sixth floor room out over the area with all its lights. I would pick out a set of car lights and follow them wondering where they were going. Life can be such a puzzle and when a piece is missing it just isn't a complete picture. You learn to value things that you take for granted. Talking with your wife while watching TV, the sounds of your sons voices when they call and seeing them when they visit. The smile from an old friend when they visit you and the feeling when they hug you.
It's bed time, the day was pretty uneventful, my usual three hour nap, got a hair cut and hated looking in the mirror, went and got a few groceries as I needed exercise and came home.
Good night and God bless.
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